Thursday, March 28, 2013

Quick post

Zombie Wife is now A Season of Storms. It's 317 pages. About 70,000 words. I'm in spelling and grammer edits, which is my last run, so I'm hoping it'll be out to alpha this week, then Beta readers soon after.
I'm excited.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Zombie Wife Now In Manuscript Edits

This morning I put Zombie Wife into Manuscript format. Actually it's half way there. By tomorrow it it will be fully imported. Then I'll start the mega edit pass-through. A spelling, grammer, final notes, duplicate word usage, over usage, and anything else I can think of edit.
I also have a strong theme adjustment to impliment which will modify and maybe even build out a few scenes. But I need it in one document to do this. Also, this edit will enable me to rename the title effectively. Which is important. I've been wanting a title from the beginning that felt very 1960's end of the world experience novel feel like 'on the beach'. 
I have a few thoughts, but no commitments:
A Season of Storms
Summers Thunder
Waking Angel

Something like that.
What ever I choose, I'll run it past my beta readers to see what they think.
Zombie Wife works on an accuracy level, but I feel it was a quick pick so I could just get to writing already. I want a title that evokes passion and memory. My experience with titles like this is that it's like an incomplete story. It starts a rememberance and makes a promise that especially when remembered post novel reading evokes emotional memories. It can be tough at start, but later pays off.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Zombie Wife Micro Post

I'm about 52.456304534095843% done with the first big round revisions for Zombie Wife.
Can't tell you how excited I am to wrap this up in about 2 weeks and send it out to my readers.
I hope you guys are pumped because this thing rocks.

Yeah, I'm excited.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013



  • It takes twenty letters to spell it out. 
  • Yes, it's a dreaded 'ly' word
  • It's an adjective and not entirely necessary
  • the thing takes up half the line of text
  • six more letters and it would be the alphabet long
  • It de-rails the reader like an atom bomb
And did I just use it in chapter 1 of my novel?
You bet-ya! 
And there it stays!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Draft 1 on zombie wife complete

I've been cracking at it for some time now, but I've finished the second round of drafts on my first draft. Now I'm making the "big" edit pass through the novel. I might end up with an extra scene or two from here, but it's mostly edits now. Fix this fix that, and then on to Beta readers. I'm guessing four to six weeks for that.
Are you excited? You can bet your knickers I am! (Haven't said that for a while.)
If you're currently chewing through that ten course meal that is Speaker of the Winds, the clock is ticking.
